Have you ever felt like a failed meditator because you couldn't couldn't sit still and upright in lotus, focus on breath, repeat a mantra whose words were meaningless, or just couldn't "clear" your mind for longer than a half of a second? The feeling of failure is common because we have been lead to believe that there is only one or two ways to really meditate.
Lorin Roche, PhD, along with his wife Camille Maurine, have each taught meditation for over 50 years. During those years Loren developed the Instinctive Meditation approach, which is a practice that welcomes all of who we are. It is based on the belief that we as 21st century humans living in today's world should not try to conform to monastic meditation practices. Instead we are encouraged to identify our own instinctive doorways into meditation. Join Cynthia, Meditation Tour Guide, to experience this "come-as-you-are meditation" approach, which will unfold the nuanced layers of perception and reveal the beauty of everyday life!
Lorin Roche, PhD, along with his wife Camille Maurine, have each taught meditation for over 50 years. During those years Loren developed the Instinctive Meditation approach, which is a practice that welcomes all of who we are. It is based on the belief that we as 21st century humans living in today's world should not try to conform to monastic meditation practices. Instead we are encouraged to identify our own instinctive doorways into meditation. Join Cynthia, Meditation Tour Guide, to experience this "come-as-you-are meditation" approach, which will unfold the nuanced layers of perception and reveal the beauty of everyday life!
Instinctive Meditation with Cyn will now be offered in person at Fairy Dust Crystals and Such in Belleview, FL. Click the button below to learn more about the next session!